With a bit of drizzle, a light wind and a little sun from time to time the conditions for the R&R Sport Otago Peninsula Challenge were great. The breath taking scenery on this course is defiantly a highlight and there were a few times when I got up close and personal with the scenery during a few crashes on the fast greasy grass down hills.

Taking in just about every steep hill possible the course is a tough one. A gun field assembled on the start line and the pace was hot from the start.
My drink bottle with all my Leppin Enduro booster bounced out of my bottle cage on one of the first down hills with out me realising. This left me with one bottle of water and only two leppin squeezes for the 2hr15min race. This was well below my usual nutritional intake and resulted on the fuel light blinking as I grovelled to the finish. I crossed the finish in 6th place and not to far off the pace of some of Dunedin's best riders.
All in all it was a great day out.